Friday, October 7, 2011

You're Finally Here!!

October 3rd 2011, 6:40pm at 7lbs 6oz's and 22 inches.. Best day of our lives!! Happy Birthday Zoe!!

It's been a wild week for our little family and there's so much to say, but also so much to do. But truly we are over the moon with joy and can't wait to chronicle the wild countdown to your arrival. It's not over cause I'm writing this in a doctor's office waiting room, so I can get my stitches I got having taken out and you and daddy are taking your first stroll in your stroller outside waiting for me. Such simple things have become oh so momentous!!
I love you and I can't wait to get out and listen to daddy talk non-stop( now you understand) about how cool it was hanging out with you and what an awesome stroller it is etc..correct me of I'm wrong!! Lol..


  1. YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I love her so much! and you too, of course. :) Can't wait to see her grow into the sassiest, coolest little chick ever.

  2. just came across your blog, this is soooo sweet, just thought i'd also congratulate you on your family, so beautiful
