Wednesday, February 19, 2014

good times

still finding time to chat (sass) away in the midst of 'what am I doing today' 'where we going today' 

Photo shoots and 'naps' 

Happy birthday Belle Minnie Mouse Party

Loving on nai nai

Painting your first canvas art piece for your valentine -papa

just being silly with aunt Lizzie & baby culver
 and the conversations just get better and better
Zoe walks in the room and sees papa wearing a funny hat, gives him a look and says 'this guy' and shakes her head

I need yum yums momom.
Okay babes I just need 5 more mins to sleep in
Zoe starts to sing: I looked at my watch and what did it say, 5 more mins to get zoe food' k momom 5 more mins

(After a month of campaigning to go to Disneyland i.e you're so cute babes. I'm cute like Disneyland.
did you have at ___? No I went to Disneyland. yes I need to go to Disneyland and sing 🎼🎢 M.I.C.K.E.Y M.S.E Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse 🎢. Zoe finally admitted she's campaigning to go back to Disney)

Sounds like you had so much fun yesterday babes, did you even miss me a little bit?
I miss you momom like I miss Disneyland
Really babes still?
I campaign to go to Disneyland momom

And so we went. After a hectic day we managed to get there just in time for the parade. thankfully that was what you really wanted most of all

momom I need to eat. 
Babes you had dinner while momom was running, you don't need food
Whine:: but I'm hungry 
Have some water
Momom water is not food. you don't eat water. It's in a cup. -shakes her head
I need some pasta and some eggs and I'll feel better. 
Really babes
I'm just kidding πŸ˜‚
So you'll drink water then
Momom it's not food.. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

January blur

it's been a blur this month, too much going on this year and it's only been a month. but  you just keep being zoe, sorry I mean zoe clementine lashley(as of today you like to be called your full name-like I said just being zoeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚) 
I'm just glad that even in the craziness of life you always manage to be so happy. the best part of the day is putting you to sleep and when the light goes off you list all the things you're thankful for that everyone did for you that day
'Thank you for the yum yums' 'thank you for playing with me' ' thank you for having fun with me' sweet babes
speaking of fun...
hanging at the park with momom 
annual January Christmas party with aunts Jenni, heather & sandy & hubbies aunt sandy always gives you the best books. thank you aunt sandy❤️😍
asking papa to come to a class with us and showing off your skills

celebrating baby Culver's birthday and having fun with aunt Lizzie 

loving on Kelis..😍
and coming up with more quotable quotes...
I need your yum yum momom.
But babes you just came from breakfast with papa & myke, you just ate. 
but I'm grateful momom.
what do you mean?
I'm grateful for your food.
Awwww ok here you go😍

Momom & papa I have to tell you something. Today is a big day!! 

Momom her name is not chlo chlo it's Chloe. 

Papa: zoe you need to...
papa I'm good, don't tell me what to do. 
I'm your father, you need to listen to me. 
I'm zoe papa, don't tell me what to do.

Momom I need you to play basketball with me
Sure babes, let's play.
I need you to go cray cray like papa when you play.
I'm not sure I can do that. Like this? 
No more cray cray, like papaπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Me: Let's sing some songs babes. What do you want to sing.
zoe: Oh I know, let's sing call me mayme.. 
Seriously?!? Call me maybe it is!! 

Ready to go to the park? 
Park? I thought we go to bar noble and get cup cup. 
Cup cup what made you think that babes? 
I'm just kidding mom haha 

I want some of your food momom.
Are you going to eat my smoothie and then go back to your potatoes babes?? 
Zoe: silence, eye roll and then 'awkward moment momom' πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

you're positively absolutely HILARIOUS!!!