Monday, November 28, 2011

thanksgiving week

cuddles with dada

thanksgiving storytime

kisses from mama

hugs from aunt chenai

mama and dada date night

birthday balloons are cool
I call it your first thanksgiving week not day because i felt particularly thankful this week. It also felt like the fun began when your aunt Chenai got here Tuesday, which we were thankful for.  Especially  since it took her almost 5hrs to get here with the holiday traffic and within 30mins of getting here she was babysitting you as I had to make a last minute doctors appointment that I made that morning just to make sure my c-section incision wasn't acting up. There was thankfully no crisis just part of the healing process.

To top it all off that morning we got news your aunt Kaneeka was in labor and your cousin Kelis was on her way. So yes it was an eventful day and by 8:13pm your cousin was born and we made our way to Anaheim to see her. It was a long almost 4hr drive there and back and you were such a good baby. You let aunt Chenai entertain you in between snoozes and you fed as she and I took turns going upstairs to see Kelis. As always when we got back home at 1am I said my thank yous for being so good for mama. And even though your night was off schedule you slept like a baby( ha ha). I had to wake you to feed you:)

On Wednesday even after an eventful night together with your aunt we strolled to and from the store-pre thanksgiving calorie burn-it was no joke it was about 2hours. Mama's after baby body was screaming in places I'd forgotten I had. It was fun and when we got home we started, well aunt Chenai started prepping for Thursday's meal. We went less dishes less food coma potential this year so no turkey. Your dada is the only one who eats it and it would be an absolute waste. Our thanksgiving wasn't going to be typical in any way. On Thursday the thought of having football on all day as the choice of entertainment was too much for me and heaven for dada. So to keep all happy, your aunt and I went and watched the latest Twilight movie. We were delighted!! And you got to spend dada and Zoe football time. With an oxtail with rice dinner and cupcakes mama made from scratch for dessert, Thanksgiving in our home was a success! We were thankful to be together happy and healthy with our new favorite baby. Once we went to bed, your aunt who thinks we go to bed too early now:) stayed up and cleaned up and we woke up to a almost spotless kitchen and living area. Thank you aunt Chenai!!

Friday night your aunt volunteered to watch you while your dada and I went watch a movie for first time since we had you. The movie we wanted to watch showed too early so instead we relieved our first date at the Barnes and Noble cafe over tea just like the day we first met. It was really nice to just catch up and we had to avoid the baby stores so we wouldn't end up making it a baby shopping trip. Yes we never stop thinking about you:) We didn't do a dinner date since your aunt was making yet another extended Thanksgiving meal. Delightful!

As if we hadn't had enough adventures your aunt drove us down to Vista for Jackson's 5th birthday party!! It was your first party and you were the baby of the five babies there and you were delightful as always:)
Sunday aunt Chenai left and dada went to help uncle David move. For you and I it was a quiet Sunday to relax and be thankful for our family friends and the extras God blesses is with!'
Happy First Thanksgiving baby girl

Friday, November 18, 2011

you are my sunshine

i sing the song "you are my sunshine" to you pretty much on a daily basis, first thing in the morning and then whenever you seem like you need a reminder that you light up my life. today when dada and i got to see all the pictures your aunt Heidi blessed us with the song was playing again in my heart, as i choked on tears of ...i can't even describe the feeling.
thank you aunt Heidi for the wonderful forever gift that captures the song of my heart,  Zoe is "my sunshine"

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

aunt jenni obsesses

Pink roses

vintage white ruffles


So one thing about your aunt Jenni which you'll soon figure out on your own is she can tend to obsess over something and will do so until it's in her eyes "perfect". After years of trying to reason with her I've given up and now i just nod my head smile and wait. So that's what i did when she kept telling me she wanted me to know she was going to buy you an outfit but wanted to make sure the first purchase was "perfect" for you. I tried to insist it really was okay, whatever she got would be loved and appreciated. Waste of my breath. She as you guessed insisted.

So six weeks after your birth she delivered her precious confections for her, as she calls you          "Zoe girl". And i have to say she did a great job, the outfits are absolutely gorgeous and feel so soft and i love them for you. I promised her you would know how much thought and love went into getting them. Who knows you might see them and think "those were my favorite outfits when i was 3-6mos old". It could happen! We'll make sure to take lots of pictures when you wear them for the first time.
Thank you aunt Jenni.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

half the battle is showing up

A year ago today mama and dada embarked on the adventure that is running Marc and Mimi, and this weekend we got to put on a celebration event for day by day showing up, sowing the seed and making it work.

It went really well it left us humbled by how God always shows up..cue music..He's an on time God yes He is.
We had the best cupcakes I've had in forever, face-painting and it was mommy's first full work day. It was like riding a bicycle. The best part was all the customers who showered me with hugs and were so excited to hear that you were here and healthy. It was like an awesome homecoming.

Tomorrow is the beginning of year two and with God's grace we pray for a fruitful harvest.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

big deal shopping trip

So these days what used to be everyday occurrences are now a big deal when you're involved. Tonight we had our first shopping trip as a family to Target!! I know, really I'm excited about Target??!! You better believe it!!
You were asleep the whole time but our little family was experiencing a first and of course we had to buy you one or two cute things:) My excitement is just really a reflection of how much joy you and dada bring to my life. I love my little family and feel like I'm living in a constant state of blessed existence. Thank you God for everything.Amen.

P.S what do you know dada took pictures without me asking or my knowledge.. You've changed the man.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

your dada

Sunday Football with dada
bible reading time on iphone with dada

I'll just be direct- you have the best dada!!
One day you'll get to tell him yourself but in the meantime I'll tell him for you.
Since before you were born he's always made an effort to be "involved" and super "helpful". He missed one doctors appointment and only because it was last minute and he had to man the store.
Now that you're here it's been amazing watching him get so much joy from being your dad. Sometimes I can be psycho anal mom and he's been more patient with my tendency to "manage" than ever before. And yes I have apologized when I catch myself. My favorite is when I need a little extra sleep or like today need a little more assistance cause I don't feel 100%. When I come back downstairs he always asks if I slept enough and I tell him not as much because I felt bad about leaving him alone with you. He likes to remind me "honey I'm her dad, it's my job too, it's not like I'm her uncle" -the uncle part is lol. And no matter how fussy you get he doesn't immediately hand you over. He's a little more subtle by saying "she stops crying when you hold her". Good one dada.
He doesn't complain or grumble about feeding and changing your diaper at 2am and 7am in the morning, and when you get fussy at night as we go to bed he'll get up and "sleep" walk you around the room until you sleep.
He likes to cuddle you close in our bed as he reads the bible to start our day in the morning and then kiss you and play with you until his bath time.
On your bath days he gets your tub and bath essentials ready for us and gets in the way by smothering you with endless kisses as I try to bathe and clothe you. When he gets home from work he has more kisses and likes to take short videos of you while at play.
 He loves the sound of your farts and hearing you poop, and for some weird reason smiles with pride and then laughs that laugh that he reserves for a touchdown or Lakers win. Very bizarre, but that's dada. On his days off he changes most if not all your diapers.
All this in your first month, I can't wait to see what more he'll come up with to, as he likes to say very seriously "know that she is loved".