Wednesday, August 28, 2013

big girl

today you got to pick out your first pairs of big girl panties! my babes is such a big girl, even though you like to remind me, 'Zoe momom's baby'. and yes you'll always be my baby, who happens to be making some big girl moves-even your dance moves are getting pretty smooth.holler. you seem so excited by this new world, it's like you are on a tour of bathrooms. in the last 2 days you've made momom & nai nai run to the park, cause you had to pee; drive to the Burger King & fresh & easy for potty; the mall bathroom; asking papa to join us in the target bathroom, asking each timethe  door opened 'papa come' ahh nope. it's been hilariously exhausting, but we suck it up and you get your thumbs up or fudgiscicle. wonder what bathroom we're going to your tomorrow.

and of course we always have to squeeze in some good times..

papa & his new buddy

being silly with aunt lizzie & culver-coco

some many kisses😘😘

Playground peek-a-boo photo shoot, because we felt like it

cuddles for papa after a long work day

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Au revoir

squeezed in as much fun as possible before your cousins flight out. so one more pool session, joined by the Salerno cousins aunt Tiffany & cousin collette. and after a couples days of sad tears, and 'I'm just sad' outbursts it was time to say au revoir... 

jenny & collette play ball

jenny does gymnastics in the water with her auntie

aww josh finally going into the water beyond the steps  -fully clothed of course👏👏:))-after 7years of fooling us. he's a water baby after all. yay josh!!! 

your turn jaden..
Ehhh, cuddles instead:))

jaden & his cousin collette

hugs and kisses goodbye for jaden

these three, it never ends.. airport lovefest

we love you auntie titi, next time no appetizer visits

family pic, Awwww the boys are so sad.
'so bebe, can I come back to your house after I go home' josh & jaden. absolutely my sweet boys, absolutely!! Can't wait.
'auntie chenai, are you coming too?' jaden:(( 

parting is such sweet sorrow:((( bye bye country cousins. it was stupid awesome and cray at the same time. feeling all warm & fuzzy and super blessed and can't wait to sleep like a baby, literally as seen below..zzzzzzzzz

beach bums

last two days had to be at the beach, where jaden declared himself your big brother 'i want zoe to be my little sister.' cue momom getting verklempt. and the best part was auntie titi's arrival.

boys will be boys
such a cool looking dude
sissy time rocks
and then auntie titi arrived and cranked the fun even more. from airport straight to the beach auntie..

welcome dance & kisses

it's mama...
happy cousins

now that we're done with the hellos, come check out our skills mama..

beach bonding with auntie titi.. 
'but I am a baby' jaden
more bonding..

'I saw it, it was alive but now it's dead. I think it was a clam, but now I have the shell' ari😁

thank you auntie for my super cute dress..

these three..

ahhh it's good to be back..auntie

nai nai always has a book in hand
sweet jaden, has so much fun he ends up half a mile from us...

we've been here for 5hrs, just what we hoped for. yep they splashed until sunset 

and momom & papa even squeezed in a cuddle:)) 

and yummy dinner courtesy of titi & chef jaden