Friday, August 3, 2012

my baby for two more months....

to celebrate getting the best, most fascinating, life lesson that is motherhood I had brownie and ice cream pretty much as my only meal today. can you imagine what I'm going to do when you turn 16??!?. you know what lets just get to a year old first.

at 10mos you're understanding more so it's becoming even more fun interacting with the last month...
you have a favorite show. i avoided that for awhile but its an episode of Barney that gets us through car rides that we've watched ...times. when i say Barney you look for my phone. its pretty much yours now if we're being honest. the Barney episode works because it's mostly music. during the clapping song instead of clapping on your own belly, shoulder or knee you prefer to clap as hard as your little hand can on my knees and shoulder. so much fun. unless its a board or cloth book those pop ups that were so much fun to read to you are pretty much fair game for your mouth. i read a magazine once that said give babies paper to play with because of the crinkling sound. sometimes i wonder if these people ever had kids.
winnie the pooh never tasted so good

I have a new name for you-P90Zoe. my heart rate has actually gone
as we go up our 27stairs for the 5th time and it's only noon. your buddy jack's mom suggested I have super energy drink like milk after we both thought we'd successfully worn you both out and 3hrs later you were still walking and climbing stairs.eeish!! and yes that means we have a walker!! one that prefers to lead the way. when you want to walk after some floor play you reach for one of our hands to indicate.."get up already"...

is that the garage door i hear? where's dada?

oh new words too- dada and duck for your rubber ducky. as I said before I can wait for the talking so take your time baby girl take your time..two more months and I have a toddler.. cray cray.

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