Friday, August 17, 2012

social butterfly??

separation anxiety leads to these kinds of phone calls..."it'll be over soon bebe, i read somewhere that it only lasts until 11months".."i read it lasts until 18months!".."i'm sorry bebe but i don't like your baby app"..neither do i. it's just part of you growing up. this phone call ended on a good note two days later..

after weeks of sweating bullets the first 30minutes after arrival, as you tug at me as we try and play at the playspace, this week was a tear-jerker. the play teachers kept telling me each week it was
 getting better, but you know by now, i have mommy denial. i guess you finally realizing you can walk alone helped too. it was absolutely beautiful to see. even as more kids trickled in you didn't "cling and cry", you just kept going. you let walked over and gave jack's mom hugs and kisses as i played with jack. the teacher, jack's mom and i all looked at each other with surprised grins. it was awesome, i got choked up but wasn't going to do the ugly cry in public. eeishhh. so instead i followed closely behind as you went playing and reaching out hello to moms and kids. still working on the hair pulling, except on the boy who hit you on the head with a ball. that pull i let pass.
today went to a swim school and there was some clinging, which is good in a pool i guess, but you were still as social as you can be in a pool.

so here's hoping this is the slow but sure end to separation anxiety

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