Wednesday, May 30, 2012

staying in this space

so I've been doing what I always do, which is mommy denial. It happens every time you do something that shows that yes, my baby is growing too fast!!! last couple of weeks you've been saying "maaaa". dada insisted you were calling or "talking" to me. I told him to stop the wishful thinking. besides all the books, "experts", babycentre updates, tell mommies to be prepared that a baby's first word most likely be dada. i don't even teach you the sign for mama. you see the dada sign daily, so I was sure you'd be saying dada any day now. but apparently you're not a statistic!! Yay!! you really are saying "maaa" and it's me you're calling!!! wild wild wild!!
and on top of that, you're doing 5second standing sessions. not completely shocking since you fight us when we try and sit you down. you apparently prefer to stand. it's the cutest when you're holding on to the couch and reach out for a hand so you can move still standing. cray cray baby!!
in food news, your favorite food is definitely avocado. we used to speed eat them before you were born, so they wouldn't go bad. now I'm praying I get a soft one when I open the refrigerator. you've also decided you like to feed yourself as you grab the spoon from us. its definitely messy fun. by the end of the meal you literally have green avocado highlights in your hair!!

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