Thursday, May 3, 2012

happy 35th chance


Sadly you'll one day learn some people are afraid of getting older. Not your mama. I'm so thrilled to be turning 35! its birthday month for mama all the way until may 31st when the clock strikes midnight. so exciting. maybe not as excited as I was about turning 30 ( I spent my 29th year psyched about how close 30 was getting). interestingly enough there's a book coming out where famous women are asked what they wish someone would've told them about being 30. one of my favorite ladies Angie Harmon said she wishes she hadn't been made to dread it so much. her life just gets better and better with each passing year. that made me smile.  here are a couple of thingsI have experienced and am learning in my 30's, my gift to you..

met your dad at 30, got engaged and married at 31, celebrated 32 on our honeymoon and had you at 34. I LOVE my 30's!! and today I get to celebrate my now crawling baby turning 7months today. Best Birthday To Date!! 

be thankful/grateful- for life, family, friends, blessings, heartache, success, failure...-as in actively train yourself to be grateful until one day it's just comes as naturally to you as breathing. i think I spent all of my 20's in self enforced training with quotes, verses and affirmations stuck on every bathroom mirror to drill into my head each morning and night. 

listen when God speaks-obey God. when He says to pray,pray; call someone, call. just obey. never stop or give up on your dreams. dreams do come true, maybe not as you imagined but always as God intended when you call on him and listen when He speaks

Opinions are like noses, everyone has one but we don't always enjoy the same scents..anonymous.I went through a righteous anger phase in my 20's that I'm not proud of. in my delusion of expressing my righteous opinions I'm quite sure honoring God wasn't one of the results. and don't let other people's opinions define or deter you. stay true to who God intended you be.  a forgiving heart, compassion and a kind word can break or lift a spirit. Ephesians 4:29 (NLT) "Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." most recently  as a new mommy it saddens me that other mothers are each others worst critics. so this is a new opportunity for me to be more compassionate to other mommies than I ever thought to.  so even if you don't understand why someone does what they do, give them the respect you would expect for  your decisions that might baffle others.
read a lot. you'll never stop learning. I've always enjoyed a good book from the Enchanted Land which i poured over before i could read the words, the Secret Seven series by Enid Blyton that I devoured during school breaks as an 8 year old,  to feeling like the mafia characters were my family as i lay in bed at 3am unable to put down yet another Mario Puzo book instead of studying for finals, to learning to enjoy reading the bible outside of religious education classes at boarding school, to last month when auntie chenai revealed to me that  Sidney Sheldon one our favorite authors had passed and then staying up until  2am ( i paid dearly for that the next day) a week later to finish one of his "newer" books. it's a lovely obsession that will  educate you beyond the classroom. it has helped me be a student of life beyond my mind,  my native country and more. life is the best teacher and I guess in my 20's I was the student that every time I raised my hand the teacher would groan and eye roll. now I hope that happens only occasionally ( didn't say I was now healed, and I don't want to be completely healed either) I hope each year I'm a better student of life. that now the teacher loves to banter with and now smiles with each eye rolls:)) I pray you're a better student than mama less angst..haha

"Friendship is when people know all about you but love you anyway" anonymous. pray for a healthy, loving and respectful relationships with your family and. pray for good friends that when you spend time with them your heart knows they're a godsend. and when you have bumps along the way in any of these relationships, be honest let your feelings be heard and respect the journey that each person is on and ask God-how can I be a better---.

...  and more on another day..I think of birthdays as chances. you know like a second chance at something. well today I get my 35th chance to learn from my mistakes  and continue to learn to be more loving, forgiving, compassionate and stay true to who God has called me to be. thank God. 

Off to Santa Barbara for some fun 

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