Monday, July 14, 2014

long summer days

long summer days should be filled with tossing ones hair & jumping in the pool, hanging out at the beach and making friends all the way from Coronado beach, Cardiff and Carlsbad. Because that's what Jenny does.

coming out of the water after

1,2,3 breathe and dunk!! water sisters

3years ago couldn't get this guy to put his foot in the water, now he's doing slow-mo pool jumps

Taking care of each other when one falls sick-Sunday morning blues-sick baby
and celebrating with a big cousin hug when she jumps up and says 'mama I'm not sick anymore!!'

getting in lots of samples at Costco 
so much so these two actually got in a hug with no clawing or screaming. yep this is a treasured moment
and a little late night yoga becomes a group class

last beach trip together before the kiddos are off to SF wedding
Look bebe I found treasure
Cuddles, oh oh not without Zoe

mama totally freaking out, but you like it, and then
sissy doesn't like to be left out
and my most favorite is what is now termed by josh 'before bedtime songs', which always end with what once my favorite song. It's now mine & all you kids favorite. Need you Now by Plumb. Hands raised, voiced singing/screaming 'need you now!!' makes even the most eventful day's craziness melt away in the pure euphoria of worshipping with such sweet hearts!! 
Blurry but delightful

in other news..conversations with babes keep getting better

mama you don't like these Popsicles? No babes.
Papa you didn't get a good surprise for your wife. Yucky surprise boo boo, mama doesn't like it. Not a good surprise for your wife. Have to do better next time boo boo.

Jaden in time out screaming 'you're a bad mom!!' 
zoe outside the room 'you're not a bad mommy! You're a good mommy'
to the door 'noooo she's a good mommy, don't talk to my mother like that!!' 
After time out- sissy can you come with me, I have to tell jaden he can't talk to my mommy like that. Jaden my is a good mommy!!' 
Don't mess with my babes!! 

Mama can I come to the dr with you? Sorry babes, they actually have a sign in the office that says no kids.
that's not nice! You should just take me and say dr this is my baby and I take her everywhere. 

Mama why do you keep calling papa, papa. He's your husband. 
So what should I call him babes? 
Call him husband. 

Mama I can't wait to be a grown up. Why babes? When I'm a grown up I can discipline Jayden and josh and sissy too. 
Well babes that's not happening because they'll be grown up too.
So who can I discipline? 

Helping mama get ready. 'wow mama you look hot!!' 

goodnight thank you's. Mama thank you for taking me to the beach, for feeding me; for playing with me in the pool. You're a good mommy, you take care of everyone. you're a good mommy. 

Jenny: oh let's go on wanelo and lets find wedding dresses for nai nai
Zoe: no let's look for pants for a 2year old. 

Boys screaming and fighting. 'Sissy I need you to come and discipline the boys?'
Jenny: 'why you can't?' Zoe :'no I'm not a grown up'

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