Sunday, June 29, 2014

little artists at play


yum yum time

 little climbers..
   jenny & jaden have monkey blood in   their veins 
   food truck shopping 
   hugging it out.
 live music using trash cans as drums, super fun 
break it down baby girl 
choked up listening to this heartbreaker serenade 

 cue music DJ zoe🎶🎶we out!!! play that funky music sissy 

Sunday, June 22, 2014


is how I feel ...
*as I sit on the couch 'relaxing' barely 'watching' season 2 of House as I hear a quarter of what's being said as your papa is flinging one small child on top of another or on a couch, wincing as that foot was so close my eye might've been taken out. it's like a scene in a movie where people are moving and there's no sound.
*as you stumble into our room at 2am-a ritual that you've completely owned, as in 'it's okay mama I'll see you when I come to your room while you sleep and I'll give you a hug. I promise, okay?' Seriously kid you kill me-curl up between us, as I start falling back to sleep I always think how blessed I am and how our bed, is truly my favorite place in the world after 2am. 
*as joshie lays on the sand with my sunglasses and exclaims 'ahhh this feels real good' and rolls over minutes later and says 'I had missed you so much bebe!' 
*as you and 'the kids' keep asking 'what time does nai nai come home?' 'what time does papa/uncle mark?'
*as I watch you semi-panicking when sissy is out of your sight and when you're bonding on the couch and chatting you come to an agreement ' you're not my cousin, you're my sister sissy.'
and so much more, but I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking...

playing games with sissy
I need sissy to hold me
strike a pose

sissy & zoe love

hitched a ride with papa to Cardiff to hang by the beach before and during his appointment 
beach time!!!!
'hold on tight, sissy hold on tight'zoe
'i want to go back to the beach and surf more' jaden
my turn..josh
this is more fun though..

let's hug it out

and more fun random blessed moments

that's papa..
auntie bebe is this a vacation? jaden. I don't know buddy, but by the looks of josh below, I'd say maybe?!? 
thankful and looking forward to tomorrow's blessings.