separation anxiety leads to these kinds of phone calls..."it'll be over soon bebe, i read somewhere that it only lasts until 11months".."i read it lasts until 18months!".."i'm sorry bebe but i don't like your baby app"..neither do i. it's just part of you growing up. this phone call ended on a good note two days later..
after weeks of sweating bullets the first 30minutes after arrival, as you tug at me as we try and play at the playspace, this week was a tear-jerker. the play teachers kept telling me each week it was
getting better, but you know by now, i have mommy denial. i guess you finally realizing you can walk alone helped too. it was absolutely beautiful to see. even as more kids trickled in you didn't "cling and cry", you just kept going. you let walked over and gave jack's mom hugs and kisses as i played with jack. the teacher, jack's mom and i all looked at each other with surprised grins. it was awesome, i got choked up but wasn't going to do the ugly cry in public. eeishhh. so instead i followed closely behind as you went playing and reaching out hello to moms and kids. still working on the hair pulling, except on the boy who hit you on the head with a ball. that pull i let pass.
today went to a swim school and there was some clinging, which is good in a pool i guess, but you were still as social as you can be in a pool.
so here's hoping this is the slow but sure end to separation anxiety
Friday, August 17, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
10 months continued...
you're going to love this one. I have a feeling it'll be happening for years to come. as any baby you're expressing yourself in ways that make us proud and ways that make us, well me pause and remind myself to check that. why do I say me not us. because dada's response.. laughing. not just laughing but making a game of it and then saying " but honey baby started it, it makes her happy". delightful no?' to summarize you've cranked up the kid in your dada, and there's no end in sight:)

oh and how can I forget how for reasons we're not quite sure of, you're becoming quite stubborn. I mean I see a little of that in dada but I honestly thought i'd rub off on you more. when this comes up in conversation especially with any of your aunts, dada, godmother you'll possibly see the finger being pointed at me. it's just a cute joke amongst them don't take it seriously. to be fair we'll credit your determination to dada then. you can go for minutes trying to figure out how to climb the couch, open a box etc. you only glance at us to make sure we're still there and sometimes give us a ehh smile. such sass.
and @10mos I'm happy to report you have no teeth. yay for mama!! however you eat like you have a mouthful of teeth. mama signs eat you look and point at high chair and do a dance..again you're your Dada's girl:)
obviously there's more but we'll leave that for another day.
Friday, August 3, 2012
my baby for two more months....
to celebrate getting the best, most fascinating, life lesson that is motherhood I had brownie and ice cream pretty much as my only meal today. can you imagine what I'm going to do when you turn 16??!?. you know what lets just get to a year old first.
at 10mos you're understanding more so it's becoming even more fun interacting with the last month...
you have a favorite show. i avoided that for awhile but its an episode of Barney that gets us through car rides that we've watched ...times. when i say Barney you look for my phone. its pretty much yours now if we're being honest. the Barney episode works because it's mostly music. during the clapping song instead of clapping on your own belly, shoulder or knee you prefer to clap as hard as your little hand can on my knees and shoulder. so much fun. unless its a board or cloth book those pop ups that were so much fun to read to you are pretty much fair game for your mouth. i read a magazine once that said give babies paper to play with because of the crinkling sound. sometimes i wonder if these people ever had kids.
I have a new name for you-P90Zoe. my heart rate has actually gone
as we go up our 27stairs for the 5th time and it's only noon. your buddy jack's mom suggested I have super energy drink like milk after we both thought we'd successfully worn you both out and 3hrs later you were still walking and climbing stairs.eeish!! and yes that means we have a walker!! one that prefers to lead the way. when you want to walk after some floor play you reach for one of our hands to indicate.."get up already"...
oh new words too- dada and duck for your rubber ducky. as I said before I can wait for the talking so take your time baby girl take your time..two more months and I have a toddler.. cray cray.
at 10mos you're understanding more so it's becoming even more fun interacting with the last month...
you have a favorite show. i avoided that for awhile but its an episode of Barney that gets us through car rides that we've watched ...times. when i say Barney you look for my phone. its pretty much yours now if we're being honest. the Barney episode works because it's mostly music. during the clapping song instead of clapping on your own belly, shoulder or knee you prefer to clap as hard as your little hand can on my knees and shoulder. so much fun. unless its a board or cloth book those pop ups that were so much fun to read to you are pretty much fair game for your mouth. i read a magazine once that said give babies paper to play with because of the crinkling sound. sometimes i wonder if these people ever had kids.
winnie the pooh never tasted so good |
I have a new name for you-P90Zoe. my heart rate has actually gone
as we go up our 27stairs for the 5th time and it's only noon. your buddy jack's mom suggested I have super energy drink like milk after we both thought we'd successfully worn you both out and 3hrs later you were still walking and climbing stairs.eeish!! and yes that means we have a walker!! one that prefers to lead the way. when you want to walk after some floor play you reach for one of our hands to indicate.."get up already"...
is that the garage door i hear? where's dada?
oh new words too- dada and duck for your rubber ducky. as I said before I can wait for the talking so take your time baby girl take your time..two more months and I have a toddler.. cray cray.
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