Monday, April 16, 2012

before and now

another sunday morning came and went and reminded me that yes i have fully given up my sunday's and even though it was 6:30am my heart was full and i wouldn't trade looking at that sleepy grin to start my day. it also made me think as i turned my phone on to see 6:30am how things have changed.
the idea of not getting at least 8hours of sleep made no sense to me; i always said God didn't want people to be up before the sun came out, if he did he'd make it rise sooner..ungodly i said ungodly!!
so i woke up at 6:30am or before ONLY  to study for finals in high school and university, because i couldn't bear the thought of failing and having to tell your grandparents, who'd  then discover i wasn't as smart as they thought i was; for work purposes, grumbling all the way, but i needed to work; when i went through a 6am spin class craze faze-NEVER AGAIN!
hiking and lunch date later with dada, working out together in the morning and high fiving at the end
sunday mornings mama and dada rolled out of bed no sooner than 9am; thursday night comedy night on NBC
lazy days reading a good book, finishing it and starting another; staying up until 2am watching heart wrenching documentaries on IFC or some such.
what sleep?? i don't even count the hours anymore. i know it's bad when dada says "you need a nap later honey?" lol!!
God is in the dark 2am silence to hang and chat with early risers too. his Grace knows no time.Godly i say Godly
getting up at 7am is a luxury i look forward to, once in awhile a 6-6:30am happens and my heavy eyelids can't compete with my happy heart, besides i don't have to prove my smarts so not having that pressure helps:)) lol!!
still planning the hike; now when i exercise you and dada hang and all i hear is dada making animal noises as he reads you a book, or yelling"dig deep mama, you can do it" when i'm calling for my mama during a workout-good times.!!!
we still roll out of bed on sunday's -only no later than 7:30am, on a good sunday. thursday night comedy night sometimes happens on sunday afternoon-laughter has no set schedule.
i read the first chapter ( i think i read the whole chapter) of a new book yesterday.yay!! and bedtime means bedtime, the documentaries must wait-beauty of DVR.

so if you read this really carefully my dear you'll pick up between the Now lines, lol's and exclamation points, that our lives and everyday experiences are ever more funnier, more delightful, more colorful than Before!! because before we didn't have....


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