Saturday, March 3, 2012

5 months of munchkin love

5 mos of sweetness
your favorite hangout
helping dada unpack boxes
or not
yesterday I received a text from a mommy friend who asked me if I was now settled in my "new normal",and I thought "yes!!" that's what I've been feeling lately, "normal" again. you've obviously made it my favorite normal ever, but of course I still having new mommy issues. you know when I squeeze your hand, or feel your heart to make sure you're still breathing when you sleep; when I wake up at 3am to google a perceived ailment or check what other moms are saying on baby center; or when I go back and forth on whether you need solids today or a month from now;...and on and on.but I guess that's what Cathy mean't by "new normal". she might've been too polite to ask " are you now more accepting of the neurotic personality that showed up five months ago?" I would've answered "yes, and cheers to 18-forever years of that!!"
the neurosis gets better though as your little personality develops. as I pointed out awhile ago you're sitting up all by yourself..yes I'm still beaming with joy; like any five month old you like to reach and chew but your lunges for food are a little aggressive, dada loves watching you dive for my food and he pumps his fists in the air with pride. a little disturbing but hey he's a proud dad right?; we love how you look around with a huge grin on your face when we call your name, even when dada with an exaggerated Italian accent calls you ..Zoe Battafucco..a proud moment for us both.not. but you laugh so who am
I to complain; when you sit in your pack and play and at first sweetly chew and play and then suddenly start pounding your toys on the mat with an aggression that makes dada want to get you in karate yesterday:)) your laugh that we're graced with more and more, and that smile that just gets more beautiful with each passing day. as a new still slightly neurotic mom I unabashedly look forward to the next month with the anticipation of a kid in Charlie's chocolate factory-another movie we have to watch.
in case I haven't said it enough today I love you and I thank you for being you..

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