Tuesday, January 3, 2012

three months of sheer delight

Yay!! You're three months old today and I'm sooo super delighted. It's been a whirlwind of functioning on less sleep than I ever thought I'd function on since late study nights in high school and university; introduction to breast feeding-nothing prepares you for that; the realization that yes you really aren't prepared for the reality of a baby until she's there and it's go time; learning to be a mom/business owner with the outward veneer of calm when each day I pray Lord teach me to do this right; learning to be a mom and a wife; and best of all watching you blossom before my eyes and I get to a front row seat all day everyday -PRICELESS

So of course I had to make it a day of a first, so today you had your first visit to Barnes and Noble and I'm happy to say you're definitely my baby. The way tour face and eyes light up with each page turn, and the way you try and turn the pages....uggghh my heart wept with delight. It reminded my of how your grandparents loved hearing us read books to them. And my favorite was when after work grandma would cook dinner and grandpa would take the four of us to the local library for an hour or so, so we could read and find books to borrow, while he caught up world news-USA Today; The British Guardian etc. it was so much fun, I remember as we drove away sometimes as the sunset and looking out at the sunset filled with anticipation at what a lovely read I had sitting in my lap. Such memories, looking forward to creating more with you:)

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