Saturday, December 3, 2011

two months of pure pleasure

you are two months old today and we can't believe how fast it's gone by and how now compared to the "skinny" baby we met two months ago you're what dada calls "beefy"..We love our beefy baby.

You "talking" like crazy and smiling constantly which makes us burst into laughter delighted by that sweet smile. The best is when you wake up each morning and you look up and see my face and you give me this huge grin, how does one have a bad day when it starts like that. When dada takes you to play in the morning we love watching you play the roll off dada game. he holds you you move your little body like you're running on your belly and at just the right time launch yourself back on the bed. it's hilarious especially since dada does it over and over again.

You watch our mouths when we talk or sing to you and "repeat" what we say, i don't know how many times i think if someone was to see and hear us all "talking" they'd think we were a crazy family. And yes we are, CRAZY IN LOVE with our Zoe.

Happy Two Months Sweetheart!!!

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