Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Third Trimester..You're Almost Here!!!

Psalm 127:3 " Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from him". Amen

It's really weird how all week I've been looking forward to looking at my pregnancy app and read 3rd Trimester. Today it finally happened. Oh i got super excited I've been literally walking with a step in my walk today. I even feel you kicking me more today and my belly is beginning to move as you take a stretch(I'm guessing), and my belly button is protruding out more as you grow and need more room. Who would have thought a belly button could take up so much room. So many changes and funky things going on with mommy as you keep growing. My "favorite" is the bathroom visits. These visits are made more frequent by my extreme love of watermelons, the need to be constantly hydrated in this heat with water and occasional (okay maybe more) glass of OJ. The watermelon situation is pretty bad though. This past two weeks i consumed at least 90% of the two watermelons we got from Costco, yup it's bad. On Sunday i consumed so much, during yet another bathroom visit (i don't count anymore) i remember thinking i might as well just sit here for another 10 minutes instead of wasting good energy going back downstairs. I didn't do it, but let's just say 10 minutes later i was thinking the same thought again. But i just can't stop, I'm trying to make sure you are well fed my dear, I'm doing this all for you..hahaha

I'm still waiting to blow up and for my body to scream, I'M ABOUT TO POP. But apparently it hasn't quite happened. Just today i helped a customer at the store and as we were finishing up i asked her if she had any other kids she said she had just had a baby three months ago. I squealed in delight and told her i was expecting you in three months, she looked at me strange and exclaimed "you're pregnant?". i had just spent about twenty minutes helping this lady and she didn't notice my protruding belly. Apparently mommy's skills of camouflage during my chubbier days is now an art form. I haven't even worn this dress in at least two years, which is maybe why it's a little snug on, as your cousin Jenny calls them, my "milkers" They've changed a tad in the last 7 months. Hilarious!

So depending on your temperament and you don't decide to show up early or late, I'll be seeing you in 3 months baby girl. Take it easy on your mommy will you. 

Your Totally OBSESSED with my unborn baby mommy..Wohooo!!!

Last days of Second Trimester
Yeah Third Trimester!!
Three more months to go

Kisses from Jenny 

Kisses for "baby oe"

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