It's been a crazy couple of weeks but it's been awesome watching and hearing you grow-my favorite part. these are just a tip of the chatty iceberg that is Zoe
Babes please take your feet with shoes off the couch
I'm grown woman momom I put my feet on couch
Do you pay bills babes
Yes I make $10million
well babes when you bring 10mill in here you can put your feet anywhere
Okay momom
Papa watching a Laker game-zoe zoe look look, you have to watch that play
Zoe on momom's iPhone
Papa I'm watching Minnie, I need you to calm down
Did you have a good day with papa babes?? Where you a good girl?
Yes I was patient with papa..πππ
I like you momom. Thanks babes I think you're pretty awesome too.
You're the best momom ever!!! π
Momom I need an apple please? Babes you just ate, you don't need an apple.
but you're my mommy.
So I'm supposed to give it to you even if you're full?
Momom is sick babes I just need a second
Zoe rubbing momom's forehead and kissing it πΌπΆ'hush momom I buy you diamond ringπΆ
aww babes, a small or big ring?
a big one for you momom
momom's weeps
momom & papa stand here, I need to show chlo chlo something. I need to stand here and hold chlo chlo. Okay now do family hug. what?? hug each other so I show chloe.
We hug.. She laugh at you momom & papaππ
babes you seem so happy in your room, I guess you really needed your own space.
Yes. I need my own space I don't need momom's space..
me to papa-Guess what boo I'm @34miles this month
Zoe- high five momom, good job; I'm happy for youππ
I'm not feeling well. I'm sorry babes.
I'm just kidding hahahaha
papa-manipulation @ it's best.
God help us!!!
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