i am a better person and a more motivated woman because of you. you daily inspire me to be my very best. even when i've had a long day, or someone hurt my feelings and made me feel 'not good enough', or we have had a "boring" day for you-which is it's cold & rainy so we both get cabin fever and you're literally bouncing off the railings itching to get out with my hands on my hair itching to pull. now it's lol, not then-even on those days you inspire me. the way you love so deeply teaches me to love differently so i can teach you as much as i can to love but also protect your massive heart, your energy drives me to take better care of myself so i can have the energy to keep up; your love of pretty things and your love of throwing yourself up on the couch inspire me to embrace my own complexities so maybe i'll be as fun and cool as you. i am a better woman, wife, sister (so the people above have mentioned:)) and am so excited to keep watching, learning and growing just from being your mom..i will draw the line at being inspired by your fashion sense, for now i'll dress us both. no tutu's for mama.
now for the really cool stuff in 3 days you'll be 16mos old, and you're dying to talk, but mostly words that relate to food..eeeish. as in it doesn't shock us that "cook" & "yum yum". this one is of course accompanied by the licking of your lips. thankfully "oh no" means when you fall for the umpteenth time, you just exclaim it and keep going. thank you Jesus..of course "all done" is like your universal remote.
names so far: "mom" yep you stopped saying mama, now you say mom with an almost british accent, it's bizarrely awesome. "papa/dada" depending on your mood. "nai/nai nai" for auntie chenai, especially when you have my phone, oh i'm sorry your iphone, you like to sometimes call "gogo"
and every 15mos old needs to know where she came from. so when something amazing happens and i sing my line 'God is great' you loudly back me up with "God, God God.." or 'amen'. we're a heavenly duet. and on that note..God is great, for blessing us with you. cue Zoe ..Amen. mama smile.
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