Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dear Zoe

Thank you for being the beautiful mischievous fun loving light in our lives. Yesterday something horrific happened and 20 families had what you give us daily, ripped out of their lives. 
Thank you for being an unknowing anchor in such madness, for keeping my tears at bay as you pound your mouth to announce you're hungry yet again; healing my broken heart with your countless 'laugh for no reason' sessions; taking an extra short nap: forcing me to read you 4 books over and over, saving me from wallowing in the cloud of this unimaginable grief for 26 families. 

So I pray today for them and for you and your cousins, that you may look back on this as something that used to happen, and I'll never have a conversation many of mama's friends had to have with their kids. Please God may this be the last. 
Thank you baby for being a light in this darkness

Mama & Papa

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Your Grandpa ...10/8/45-12/10/10

its adorable watching you hold  a picture of him trying to repeat 'grandpa" and them giving his picture kisses. he would have loved you so much. you definitely have his infinite capacity to love. 
one day you shall meet but for now, you'll have to settle for stories and this...

gogo comes to visit

So that was a fun time with gogo. After the tears on day one, you were taking walks to the park with ''nai ( that's what you call auntie chenai❤) while mama & papa went to work. she taught you songs you still love to stomp your feet to; how to get ready set go, before you toddle off-it's so cute watching you bend over to set & go; we picked up a new bedtime routine thanks to her-way to go gogo; you enjoyed being loved up all day by our small "village"; i could go on. every time she calls she now wants her kisses from Zoe and a run down on your new activities. I hope she remembers because I'm losing track, after 12 mos it's as if you went into acceleration mode.. our heads are spinning trying to keep up. when she first left you used to look for her or look up the stairs as if waiting for her to come down. so judging from both your reactions I think it was a successful trip.
until next time when she comes back on her one way trip, we'll treasure her the amazing time we had....