Friday, July 15, 2011

From Daddy to Zoe

Jaden go night night
"For I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13
What I do in front of you will affect you even more than what I say, so i will do my best to always set a good example for you. I will take the opportunity to teach you the importance of prompt and complete forgiveness. If I train you early not to be easily offended, I can save you years of pain and frustration.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Doctor Visit...Yeah!!

Hi Baby Girl

So I'm writing this surrounded by your dad playing throw the kid at the other kid with your cousins Jaden and Josh (lots of happy screams) , and your cousin Jenny dancing her little heart out. She's obsessed with this show So You Think You Can Dance and watches it over and over and has just asked me to time her so she can prepare her dance for you life routine:) The best part is she's actually really good and watching her warms my heart, and gets me  thinking..she was just a little baby and now is doing a "contemporary routine" for me at 7, "putting her heart into it" (seriously her words) it makes me think of how i soon you'll be here and how fast you're going to grow. I just pray that your dad and i always do our best to never miss a beat when you dance through life finding your passions and telling us what makes you happy, your dreams etc

We got to see you again today at the doctor's office. We always feel so blessed we found Dr Kamali, because with every visit he lets us see you. It's not a common occurrence apparently, i know bummer right? As always your dad and i were excited, but apparently you weren't in the mood today. You wouldn't face us so we got to see everything else except your face. But we didn't really care we were just happy to see you and have the Dr tell us you're growing well, weigh 2.5lbs and your head isn't too big. Mommy really appreciates that!! 

After being weighed myself today (the worst part of the visits) i decided it's time to get off the couch. I have been slacking off the last month and ohh boy did the scale let me know. So your dad and i decided it's time to have quality swim time. I have no idea what you've done to me but i haven't swum in the ocean/pool in years and all of a sudden i can't get enough. You're my little motivator:) So we went to pool after work today and it was glorious. I swam six laps and felt better than i have felt in months, and your dad and i got to spend some awesome mommy and daddy time. It was definitely a fantastic workout.

Thank you little one for showing us your healthy bum today and motivating your mommy to get off her bum and give mommy and daddy another fun way to spend time together. We love You!!

daddy swimming
mommy and baby spent
mommy working those legs and arms

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July Fun


Wow so much happened this 4th of July weekend, your mommy and dad have so much going on in our lives and so much on our minds this was a well needed time to just let loose and sit back and relax and enjoy family, the blessings we have and of course some yummy food.
On Sunday after church we went off to Coronado Beach with your aunt Danai and your cousins. After listening to a service about being grateful just for the air we get to breathe i know we felt really blessed as we soaked up the sun, the ocean and each other. Your grandparents ( your dad's parents), aunt Kaneeka, her boyfriend James, and his son Jason joined us later. The best part was when we arrived home aunt Chenai had arrived safely from LA and had cleaned our house. The kitchen was sparkling, the carpet was vacuumed. It was a glorious welcome home. Yes your aunt is awesome and she did all this looking like she just walked away from a glam shoot:)

Beautiful aunt Danai after a beach na

"wow 'ater" Jaden with each w

Having a momen


Your dad loving each

Wax on, wax off.
Everyone, except your dad slept in the next morning. Besides aunt Chenai doing more cleaning we mostly bummed out, played board games and slept more..glorious. Your dad on the other hand was out the door by 7:30am for a hike and basketball with uncle David. True to form he got home just before noon and grilled us all a yummy lunch. Your dad is Super Dad Awesome.

We love you Zoe's dad

num nums

"You can't beat me, Auntie!!!" Jenny learning to lose graciously

 After he took a nap we went back to the beach with aunt Chenai and your cousins. This weekend was the first time since we made you that i went into the ocean. It felt so good the water was warm the waves didn't stop. I think you liked it too because you wouldn't stop moving when i was in the water. Lot's of fun all around and it warms our hearts to see and experience all the amazing love waiting out here for you. Your dad especially can't wait to take you out into the ocean and you and i can build beautiful sand castles. Now time for some of your aunt Chenai's delicious food for dinner, your dad's favorite, oxtail!! Yum Yum

Yes Jenny it is a huge cookie


Beach baby belly

You're moving again:) hmmm

It never stops with these big party

Sandcastle time, or let's just dig in the sand

Gorgeous aunt Chenai loving the beach

Song for Zoe

Raw product and the final product
So by now you already know i'm super excited that you're going to be here soon. And one of the ways i wanted to let you know is through song. By now you know how much your mommy loves to sing, so after we found out you were a girl i wrote down the feelings that welled up in me as i lay on the bed watching you move. To accomplish something beautiful for you i had to get the help of your aunt Jenni to create a song just for you. And this is just how pathetic your mommy is, Aunt Jenni sung the first two lines and i had to ask her to stop as i could feel the ugly cry brewing. Aunt Jenni suggested we talk about something else, she suggested Chuck. Behold it worked, not sure why because i actually like that tv show but it seemed to do the trick and it was back to normal. LOL!

It's not completed yet but here's a look at the process of loving you.

Aunt Jenni introducing the melody

Singing and fine tuning