Thursday, July 26, 2012


one question people always ask new mommy's is " bet you can't wait for her to talk?"  having been a committed aunt for the last 9 years, I'm a new mom that's cool about when it happens. I in no rush. I am a mom that likes the idea of communicating with you though and we do that with baby sign. you already know this, however today you showed what a good little student you are. sometimes it feels like I'm "talking" to myself but you're actually "listening".
we take walks pretty much everyday and this week I introduced the tree sign to you and so there was a lot of pointing and smiling on our walks on top of your regular power naps. so this morning I lay my walking clothes at the edge of the bed and figure I could use an extra 5mins of just laying there. well you had other ideas, you crawled to the edge of the bed and one by one brought my clothes to me. you didn't put them in your mouth. Strange?!? you put everything in your mouth.?!? you just stared at me. awkward!! I got up and signed "outside?" "trees?" you cocked your head to look out the window, raised your hands and started squealing and jumping!!! so off we went "outside" to go see "trees".
good job baby girl. mama and dada are super proud of you

in other news, we are working on your social skills with swimdates at your
'friend" Palmer's house and playdates indoors and outdoors. the best part is your socializing always ends in awesome naps. yay socializing!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

pathetic much??!?

when I was 12 going on 13 I was dropped off at boarding school by the entire family. It was all mostly a blur, except when the car drove away with my buddies ( your aunts and uncle) and I got scared and sad. I remember running down the stairway in the middle of the classrooms that  was parallel to driveway. I told myself to not fall apart I was the eldest and had to be strong. so I walked up those stairs to the dorms to meet my new "buddies". since then I've always figured if I could buck up at 12 I'll be good and strong when life happens. my wet pillows will probably say otherwise, but for the most part I've never had a major melt down or anxiety attack I can remember truly experiencing, until today!! 
you and I have had the blessing that I have been able to work, study, play with you nicely wrapped on mama. being apart hasn't been a necessity. when you were still baby baby you slept a lot so I logged in a day or two of work without you, a couple weeks of Pilates at a studio and a movie. BUT that hasn't happened since november 2011. yep. last year!! so today during prayer i felt God telling me to leave you with dada when I ran my errands today. WHAT!! no biggie right.?!? I tell dada this and he "calmly" says yeah cool. then gosh  darn a baby proof item needs to be returned to target. jeepers I say I guess we'll all have to go. in the garage i start feeling, this isn't right. I tell dada i'm going alone, hand you over, and wave goodbye. I have never experienced mommy guilt and thought I might get a twinge today, but i told myself, you're a big girl, be strong. Oh no! It wasn't mommy guilt it was a full on anxiety attack. And i was not strong. felt flushed, heart pounding, short quick breath and the tears would have flowed if i wasn't driving. here's the best part.. it wasn't about you because you were with your dada, so you're perfectly fine. it was ME!! I had anxiety about not having you attached to me. Pathetic much?? I promised myself I wouldn't call dada. Fail.. Called after 15mins, standing at a checkout line with only one person in front of me, feeling hot and thinking why is the cashier so slow.?!? You were fine of course. after the call I calmed a little a walked a little slower and breathed closer to normal. Pathetic much?!? by the time I was driving home I was feeling better, singing along to music and the phone rings. voice says "can I speak to Zoe's mom?" WHAT??!? It's only been 40mins! "it's the doctor's office and her results came in from Monday for her blood work.."pause -really??pause?? seriously?? "everything was negative!!" I appreciate the call, but the pause, pretty sure I stopped breathing for a second, or for a pause..haha. now it's funny. eeish
anyway we were both super excited to see each other again, but I'm glad today happened. now I can't wait to hand dada my new "mama" schedule.. hahaha delightful!!! 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

pink? princess? tutu? zoe?

this had to be done! what happened today is what auntie danai would call " a double standard bebe!!" and she's half right. after years of steering her from the princess tutu world for cousin jenny she's entitled to judgement. 
your dada and I have never felt the need to call you princess or had any pink visions of you in a tutu. when I think dance class one day for you it's always been more for the athleticism than the outfits. 
then today happened. it was pool time, the pink tutu swimsuit that someone gave us has been "invisible" to me. but today  I thought what's the harm. It's just an outfit.  and OMG... you were an adorable vision of pink. we're still not calling you princess, we'll still buy more coral than pink, and this is probably the only tutu you'll have until you ask for it yourself. so auntie danai is only half right. but my gosh you looked so adorable.  I now believe every little girl should have a major pink tutu day. so today was the day, and I confess I was delighted by your cuteness. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

nine months

still can't believe you're 9 months old!! i remember when you were days old and i had all these plans of how life would be when you were 9 months old, so many ideas, rules and regulations. cray cray mama has taken a chill pill. enough about me though. this week i tried to make it a mini celebration. starting with your 9 month check up, dada and i celebrated your awesome new doctor, and that you're now a 27.5inch tall, 20 pounder!! 4th of July you had a blast at the beach, walking on the sand, playing with your cousin and eating sooo much you pooped twice in one day!! jeepers! the rest of the week was filled with morning play date with baby friends from sign class;  shopping, reading and playtime at the library and barnes & noble with mama & auntie chenai; and fun at play & music class at kidville. judging by the way you've been sleeping.. closer to sound than ever.. i'd say you've had quite the week. happy nine months my zoe:)

beach time with your cousin kelis

auntie chenai reading your favorite book to you

more playing than reading at barnes & noble

Sunday, July 1, 2012

so far so fun

your first summer is here, just when you're getting more mobile, crawling, standing, climbing stairs, taking your first four steps -yes you've evolved from semi-step-, making your dada and i freak out,scream with delight and give each other "whoa' stares at the same time! this all means i have to up my energy quotient to keep up with you, and getting out more which in this weather is nothing to complain about. so far the things that make you smile are: the beginning of one of your "songs", it either lights you up or calms you down ; a trip to the pool or the beach, it actually calms you down; watching either of us cooking, you get really quiet and focused, watching and cute; giving mama hugs around my neck
, even if it includes my back hair being pulled. jeeprs and kisses/licks; (okay maybe that's one of my favorites) "walking" around the house or park squealing with joy-also known as mama's "workout". it's going to be a great summer and i'm looking forward to seeing what else you'll be up to.

playdate with Ally in the sand

your first car..

pool time with dada

"walking" at the park with mama and dada