Sunday, June 17, 2012

Our Father who art in
Heaven, hallowed be thy name.." Mt 6:9  Thank you Father for being such a patient, loving, gracious God!!

Oh I love a celebration! and today we get to celebrate dads. I could spend the day sad about grandpa not being here but instead I choose to celebrate him and your dada!
when I married your dada I knew he would be great dad. he was itching to hold his little one soon. having had a great dad, it made me look forward to us having you, especially when we found out your were a girl.

 see grandpa was what your aunts and I call an awesome "girl daddy." he pushed us to have brains but loved to see us dressed up-his words "beautiful".  he actually liked taking us shopping. sometimes he would just shop for us on his own and bring home something good. my first memory was my first holy communion dress when i was maybe 6 years old..ahh I die just thinking of it. white lace with a suede black belt with a flower petal bow!! I still dream about it. the second communion i was at boarding school and had no choice but to wear whatever they brought me weeks before. he bought four outfits. some hardly appropriate i.e shorts, but hey they were white right? I also dream about the gorgeous sari he brought from a trip to India,  the on trend outfits he'd get us on Oxford street on his London trips and gorgeous fabric from Ghana to get outfits made!! my Leaver's Dance dress  ( that would be Prom here) was a novelty for most of my audience when I got home and modeled it. less cake-topper (the more popular at school) more..well it was a LBD,  knee length so nothing to give the nuns at boarding school pause.. grandpa's jaw dropped and exclaimed "beautiful". that's all i needed. in my head i was the belle of the ball! all of grandma's best outfits, grandpa bought.  you'd never guess looking at him, grandma asked him almost every time we left the house to go change or tuck something in. hilarious!

basketball cake for dada
your dada is thankfully a girl daddy. a lover of brains and beauty. he gets just as excited about a trip to shop for you as much as when we talk about preschool, and yet another possible college for you ( yes we are those parents). I've only done one shopping trip for you without him. otherwise he feels left out:)) yep you're one blessed little girl. one day you'll have lots of your own dada stories to tell, but for now these are your thoughts after 8 months with your "girl dada"...We love you dada, enjoy...

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